Welcome to amber - the home of ambulance service research

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amber contains records of published research authored by staff working in NHS ambulance services in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. amber is managed by the Library and Knowledge Services for NHS Ambulance Services in England [LKS ASE]. For more information see the About pages or contact LKS ASE. If you have any further questions about amber or our data please eMail library@nwas.nhs.uk.

Congratulations to Betul Yalcin on winning the LKS ASE Best Elevator Pitch Prize at 999EMS Research Forum 2023, Manchester.


  • 999 EMS Research Forum Conference 2024 programme

    999 EMS Research Conference (2024-09-23)
  • Annual SHOT Report 2023

    Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) (2024-07)
  • Incidental findings of atrial fibrillation by ambulance clinicians: variation in management across the UK

    Blair, Laura; McClelland, Graham; Shaw, L.; Price, C; Wilkinson, C (2024)
  • To err is an opportunity

    Sofield, Katy (2024-09-02)
    Overall, this summer has been a good one. I re-started scuba diving. Now that I have a steady income, I can take up an old hobby. I have rekindled my love for the water and being under water – though, at 17˚C, the UK waters are a tad colder than the lovely 28˚C waters of the Dominican Republic I visited in March. July also saw graduation. Despite finishing university in September 2023, graduation was held in July 2024. It was lovely to spend a week back in the North of England, seeing old mentors and friends. During graduation, I had the opportunity to speak with my tutors that had moved on to different pastures. It was lovely to see them and tell them about my adventures in London.However, the week before graduation, while on a day shift, I made my first major error. I attended to a patient who was fitting. In the London Ambulance Service (LAS), we administer Midazolam to assist in terminating seizure activity. Abstract published with permission.

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