About amber

amber is a project led by Library and Knowledge Service for NHS Ambulance Services in England [LKS ASE]. The project is supported by the National Education Network for Ambulance Services [NENAS], Health Education England [HEE] and endorsed by the National Ambulance Research Steering Group [NARSG].

amber currently includes all research publications authored by staff working in NHS ambulance services in England and Scotland from 2006 – and is regularly updated with new publications.

amber aims to include all the research output of the Welsh and Northern Ireland ambulance services. This work is currently ongoing.

Notice and takedown

The Library and Knowledge Service for NHS Ambulance Services in England is responsible for responding to requests about items in this Repository.

If you are the owner of the copyright or related rights in any of the material in the Repository and you believe that use of this material infringes your intellectual property or any other rights, or you believe that the material may be subject to a third party ownership or another legal claim, please contact us and include the following information:

  • Your contact details
  • Sufficient information, including the full URL, needed to identify the item. 
  • If the request relates to copyright, provide proof that you are the rights holder and a statement that, under penalty of perjury, you are the rights holder or are an authorised representative
  • The reason for your request including but not limited to copyright law, privacy laws, data protection, obscenity, defamation etc.

The contact eMail is library@nwas.nhs.uk


If you are an author and you think your publications should be included in amber please contact us and we will arrange for your publications to be added. You can also suggest publication via this online form.

Linking to amber

If you wish to link to amber use the following URL https://amber.openrepository.com Please use the full name of the repository amber - the home of ambulance services research.

Comments and feedback

If you have any questions, feedback or comments about amber do get in touch with us by eMailing Matt Holland.